Flying Dog Brewery can be found right in Frederick, Maryland, only an hour drive from Baltimore. They serve a multitude of beers year-round including Double Dog, Doggie Style, and the beer I am drinking today, Snake Dog.

Snake Dog is an IPA with a 7.1% ABV, and an IBU of 60. The honey colored suds, although poured way to quickly in my glass, exemplify the smooth taste of this complex IPA. When you crack this beer open, you are going to get hit with the aromas of tropical fruit and citrus notes. Take your first sip and you will taste a citrus forward blend of orange and tropical fruit easing that piney-ness.

If you are on the fence about whether you like IPA’s or not, this is milder than normal; it doesn’t have that strong piney taste that we associate with West Coast IPA’s. It is an IPA for the average beer drinker.  There is no bitter aftertaste. The aftertaste is almost nonexistent.

If you’ve had some other Flying Dog beers, let us know what you think of them. They have some awesome artwork and funky beer bottles. Go buy their beer and support them and other local breweries.

As of right now, The Flying Dog has reported that they have no plans for reopening their tasting room, but you can still support them by buying their beer at restaurants or at the store. The Flying Dog sells a LOT of cases of beer. The Baltimore Business Journal reports they will sell close to 1.5 million cases of beer this year. But the corona virus has undoubtedly hurt them as it has other breweries. Go support them and other small businesses that have been hit hard this year. If you’re going to drink, drink local.


Vincent DelGiudice
Vincent DelGiudice

Beer Analyst

Vince Del is a therapist living in Raleigh, North Carolina. He is originally from New York where he grew up and went to college. Vince has been writing for four years now creating his blog about the unfortunate events that happen to us on a daily basis – In his spare time, he drinks beer, and now writes about that as well.