Kolsch was a tough category for me. It’s not a beer I drink regularly, so I got to try a few new beers this week. I won’t say that this is the end all, be all top seven list of Kolsch in the world. But these are some of the ones that I have tried and think you should all try (Yeah, I went with six, if I wrote anymore, I’d be lying about the “you SHOULD try” part).

I’ve really enjoyed drinking these beers specifically because they remind me of the one time I’ve been to Germany. Nothing like some Oktoberfest debauchery. And nothing reminds me more of German ladies, than German beer. Anyway, let’s get into these beers.

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6) Little Provision City Koldbrew Kolsch

ABV: 7.0%

I got to enjoy this beer on a Saturday morning which was a great move. Coming in at the highest ABV for the Kolsch category, this one will catch up to you, especially in the morning. Smooth taste with no tang or fruit notes. It has a toasty malty taste, and kind of warms you up for a day of drinking. Again, it’s these coffee Kolsch that drew me into the beer to begin with

5) Mother Earth Endless River

ABV: 4.9%

This Kolsch is the one I bought for the occasion of writing this blog. It has a slightly bready malt with a little vanilla sweetness. The kind of lovin’ you get on the weekdays. It’s nothing crazy, it’s a little sweet and has the slightest bit of tang. You know what I’m saying. This beer has some very subtle fruit tastes. I enjoyed it plus, it is the Mother Earth Brewing that is near me.

4) Banger Brewing Morning Joe Kolsch

ABV: 5.4%

I talked about this beer last week for the beer of the month but let me go through it again, for those who may not have seen it. This coffee Kolsch is one of my favorite beers, probably because of the memories associated with. It has a smooth taste with hints of vanilla and a clean coffee taste. The beer has a crisp finish and goes down great. I love this beer and recommend Banger Brewing to anyone visiting Las Vegas.

3) Reissdorf Kolsch

ABV: 4.8%

I had this beer when I was in Germany and it was much different than the American styles I have mainly been tasting. It was darker, more ample tasting Kolsh. It had a slight lemon tang with a sweet malty body. This beer was thicker in the palate and felt like it filled you up more. I really enjoy trying beers from other countries. It is like a completely different drink.

2) Sierra Nevada Kolsch

ABV: 5.0%

I liked this one because it felt like the “Americanized” version of the Kolsch. It has the breadiness to it but it ends with a slightly more citrusy hoppiness to it which is different than some of the other Kolsch I’ve been trying. I’d definitely pick this one up again because it has the crisp taste that makes you say, “ahhh” after each sip.

1) Boulevard Brewing American Kolsch

ABV: 4.6%

This company will always be near and dear to my heart, as several of the beers have made a strong impression in and around my mouth. Yeah, I went there. And again, this beer blew me away because it was just slightly different than the rest. This beer has the perfect balance between hops and slight maltiness. It has a that subtle vanilla taste and dare I say, may be as good as the Boulevard Jam Band.


Let me know some of your favorite Kolsch, because I would love to update this list in a couple months and broaden my horizons in the world of Kolsch. I hope y’all have been enjoying these beer blogs. If there are any types of beer you’d like me to do next, leave it in the comments. But it’s Thursday night, and it’s time for me to walk to the closest bar and drink some beer.


Vincent DelGiudice
Vincent DelGiudice

Beer Analyst

Vince Del is a therapist living in Raleigh, North Carolina. He is originally from New York where he grew up and went to college. Vince has been writing for four years now creating his blog about the unfortunate events that happen to us on a daily basis – mycousinvinny.blog. In his spare time, he drinks beer, and now writes about that as well.